When You Let Go, You Heal Your Heart

When bad things come into our lives, the past wounds we choose not to heal begins to surface again. Our fears begin to drown our thoughts and we are led back down the same road we tried so hard to forget. These wounds can be from childhood up to adulthood. The wounds are never forgotten because instead of healing, you chose a temporary void to help you forget. Whether it is alcohol, drugs, any other type of addiction or another person. The pain from the past will always be there regardless of how much you try to move on without healing it first. You have to get your heart and soul right, before moving on to find the happiness you deserve in life. A person needs to heal before giving their heart and love to another person. If nothing is happening for you in the present, then maybe you should start to look from within. No matter how hard or hurtful it is to revisit your past. It is something that must be done in order to move on to full-filling a lifetime of happiness.  

At the beginning of my spiritual journey of finding myself again, it was pure ugliness. Every past mistake or hurtful situation was surfacing all over again when something bad would happen. I started walking in self-pity every day and I complained about everything. I didn't understand why I was continually going through the same thing over and over again. Then it took me realizing I was only seeking approval from other people when I should have been seeking it within myself. When you start seeking that within people, that should be a wake-up call that those people don't deserve to be a part of your life. I suddenly realized I needed to start putting myself first, speaking my truth, learn how to walk away from situations not serving my purpose and learn to love who I am from the inside out. I knew I was this radiate being of light from the inside out but I didn't love myself enough. How can you expect people to see you, to hear you, to appreciate you, or be grateful to have you in their lives? When you don't even love yourself enough first or when you aren't in alignment with who you are from within. It took me reevaluating my life, surrounding myself with like-minded people, and taking a break from those in my life at the time who only had negative energy. This was a painful journey for me to take because I knew I would be leaving people behind who I cared about and loved. If they are truly meant to be in your life then they will be again, but working on yourself first is most important. It was something that had to be done or I would have never full-filled my life's purpose. 

I have been asked many times, "How can you continue to put love and light out into the world, after everything you have gone through?" I guess people think I should be bitter, guarded, or live in self-pity for the rest of my life. Only because that is how they are choosing to live their life right now. I don't want to live that kind of life at all. It sucks the energy out of you. Why would you want to be a miserable person for the rest of your life? When you have so many blessings in front of you or out there waiting to come into your life. God and your angels watching over, want to give to you the life you deserve, but you have to do the work within yourself. You can't rely on anybody else, you can't wish upon a star, or you can't expect this to happen overnight. It takes time and patience in healing yourself from past traumas. To be honest, it has taken me a very long time to get to this place now but I took back the power that I had given to so many ungrateful people along the way. It has taken painful growth and maturity, it has taken speaking my truth, it took admitting my faults, it has taken courage and strength and it took me realizing my self-worth. I turned all that pain into power to get to where I am now. 

We all have some sort of healing power within us but it takes the brave to not be afraid of showing it. Be the light for others, not their darkness. Light the path to help them get through their struggles and you can without giving too much of yourself. I had to light my own path through the darkness so I know how it is to go through something alone. My healing power is through my words and I know it is one of my many gifts from above. It has taken a long hard journey to figure this out. Meditating has been my lifesaver especially right now while we all are in isolation from the world. I have taken the time to slow down, look deep within myself, just breathe and most importantly let go. Those who know me, they know it has been a struggle for me to just let go of everything. Don’t think I am being insensitive about our current situation. I know everything within this isolation due to the virus is serious because it has caused a lot of problems around the world with everyone. It has caused so much fear across the globe but this is out of our control. You have to let go and trust in God. Have faith that we all will make it through this together. We all will be reunited with our families and friends again soon. Things will go back to normal and our world will be better because of it. 

I truly believe we are going through this for a reason. Maybe God and our angels want us to slow down and reflect back on what really truly matters in our lives. Maybe they want us to fix ourselves and the life we were living before this pandemic took over the world. This is a sign that we need to heal those old wounds in order to move on to the next phase in our lives and reach the road to our most full-filling life of happiness. God and our angels are giving us that time by slowing down our lives and our world. You are being given a second chance right now. All you have to do is stop allowing the fear to block your life, have the patience, have the faith, believe in yourself and most importantly trust that this is happening to help you grow and heal; from whatever wounds you have allowed to take over your life. 




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